What is the Shelf Life of Your Products?
The shelf life of a product is known as the period from the date of manufacture to the time that it could be stored under certain conditions. Depending on which product you have purchased, our dried fruits and nuts shelf life can typically range anywhere from 3 months to 36 months or more.
Today, consumers are looking to purchase food that is lower in food preservatives or does not contain any sort of additives. This means that the shelf life of such food will be shortened significantly. To ensure the safety of food consumption, shelf life is an essential requirement for all food products.
Besides knowing about shelf life, you might have heard of expiry dates. Both expiry dates and shelf life are often misinterpreted as the same. The expiry date is typically printed on a label, stating how long a product is edible as long as it is unopened. Meat and dairy products are known as highly perishable foods. They would normally come with a label that states, “use by date”, while foods that have better storage typically have a “best before” label.
Shelf life, on the other hand, refers to the time that food that can be stored without becoming unfit for consumption.
Here is an example of shelf life and expiration date:
- Nuts and dried fruits can be stored in a fridge for months. When the seal is broken and the nuts or dried fruits are taken out from the fridge, it must be consumed within a certain time before it becomes moldy or go stale. This simply means that they must be eaten before it expires within a week or two.